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    Tricks For Men’s Style

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    Indispensable in fashion, the’ few are many rules also takes its place in men style. Straight cuts, inconspicuous colors and styles that fit the body are quite a lot in the men’s fashion of 2021. A minimal style that does not take risks, but looks so classy; it manifests itself in cachet coats, narrow-cut shirts and rahar pants. Our advice to you is not to overdo it, but when you are minimal, you will already come to the fore.

    What is the sine qua non-points in a man’s clothing?

    Depending on the men style of clothing, we can start with at least 3 different colours and models of Suits, 3 different colours of shirts and 2 different colours of shoes that can comfortably combine them in a man’s style, especially in business. Then comes the inner groups, i.e. watches, ties, handkerchiefs and scarves and hats for the winter months.

    What should be done to combine suits with a sporting style?

    Instead of a classic shirt, knitwear that usually wraps around our body in winter, sweaters with half and full throats, and a T-shirt in summer can be preferred. With these, we capture a style that sports the sneaker on the feet and the suit on top of us. Accessories can also help us with this.

    mens style icon
    brown sweater into blue suit

    What are the rules for wearing a tuxedo and carrying it correctly?

    Actually, tuxedo wear has certain rules. Some of these should not be torn on the tuxedo jacket, the belt should not be worn when the tuxedo is worn, and the cuff should be a double cuff on the tuxedo shirt. If we pay attention to these fine details, we have a stylish look that makes every man look elegant.

    What should be considered when ordering custom sewing suits?

    We usually offer models according to our customer’s skin colour and physique. In fact, a cool guy has certain taboos, and we encourage themselves to break it on the one hand. But as for the craftsmanship part, when ordering a custom-made suit, we should note that the collar and sleeve section fits well and does not make a pot. Finally, when choosing fabrics, we should consider what season to wear.

    Custom sewing suit
    Custom sewing suit

    What makes a bespoke suit or shirt special?

    Closing the flaws in our physics is actually what makes it most special. Another factor is that we are able to choose anything related to the model in the men style. This includes everything from the colour of the yarn in the jacket marrow to the inner lining in the pants…

    How do you determine the right fabric/colour/pattern and the appropriate accessories (such as buttons)?

    I don’t want to make a cliché, but the dry cleaners actually take a big burden on us. 1 time a month is also enough for general care. One little piece of advice is that men should not prefer woolly suits on rainy days.

    cool mens suit
    cool mens suit

    Maintenance of Suits is something that makes you think about the wearer.

    What are your recommendations on this?

    I don’t want to make a cliché, but the dry cleaners actually take a big burden on us. 1 time a month is also enough for general care. One little piece of advice is that men should not prefer woolly suits on rainy days.

    Finally, can you tell me about your collections?

    In our Autumn / Winter collection this year, we have designed high neck wool/cashmere coats with waist belts. Apart from that, we preferred hooded jackets, suits without full lining and flannel fabric pants. Finally, I can say that our red velvet suit, which I have seen in men style, is one of the most beloved products of this season.

    Fahri Demirkıran
    Fahri Demirkıran
    He is an entrepreneur and a dreamer. He is fond of men's fashion and connected with the arts. It has followed the fashion of the first century from the past to the present and is a producer of original content to inform people about the style.

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